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Mediation, Due Process  and  Complaint Procedures


IDEA Special Education Mediation:  A Mediation guide for parents of children from ages 3-21 from US Dept of Education

Versión IDEA de Educación Especial Mediación - Español:  Una guía para los padres de los niños de 3-21 años de edad de los Estados Unidos Departamento de Educación


IDEA Due Process Parent Guide: A guide for parents of children from ages 3-21 from US Dept of Education on what you need to know in Due Process

IDEA Debido Proceso de Padres y Guía Española VersiónUna guía para los padres de los niños de 3-21 años de edad de los Estados Unidos Departamento de Educación


IDEA Special Education Resolution Meetings GuideA guide for parents of children from ages 3-21 from US Dept of Education on Resolutions and how to be effective

IDEA Guía Reuniones Resolución Educación Especial: Una guía para los padres de los niños de 3-21 años de edad de los Estados Unidos Departamento de Educación


IDEA Special Education Written State Complaints:  A step by step guide on how to write an effective complaint letter from the US Department of Education

IDEA de Educación Especial Escrito estatales QuejasUna guía paso a paso sobre cómo escribir una carta de queja efectiva desde el Departamento de Educación de EE.UU


New Jersey Administrative Code, Adopted Regulations:  Title 6A, Chapter 14, Special Education Adopted Regulations, effective 12/6/10


Medication and Due Process: A quick reference guide for Mediation and Due Process sessions and hearings


Parental Request for Mediation/Due Process Hearing/Expedited Due Process Hearing: Request form for parents to use from NJ Department of Education


Complaint, Resolution and Procedures for Special Education:  Pamplet provided by NJ Dept of Education to answer common questions


New Jersey Department of Education Complaint Form:  Downloadable blanket document if needed to submit to the state of NJ 

Parents of Special People, Inc. provides this list as a service to the special needs community  for educational and information purposes only. PoSP does not provide legal advice. PoSP strives to provide current and accurate information regarding your rights & responsibilities in Special Education. To PoSP's knowledge, the following documents reflect the current laws governing Special Education according to IDEA 2004 and NJAC 6A:14

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